Friday, April 29, 2011

Harper's Clubhouse

Daddy couldn't pass up the opportunity to build a clubhouse out of this large box. I know I sure had fun as a child whenever I could get ahold of a large cardboard box.

Would you like a tour? The kitchen has the green oven and stovetop, and the white fridge is next to the oven. Sun roofs are above the kitchen and bedroom. The bedroom is painted just like Harper's room, and has a small bed for her baby. Outside the box, there is a fireplace, and a peek-a-boo opening.

This clubhouse, located in the garage, should be good for rainy days or when its too hot to be out in the sun.
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Friday, April 8, 2011


Harper loves her little sister!


Harper is now 26 months and is loving being a big sister.


Sleeping Beauty is 3 months old now!